Immunization Requirements
Texas Minimum State Vaccine Requirements
If you use assistive technology and experience difficulty accessing the document below, please contact the school nurse.
Medication at School
The District does not provide medication to administer to students. All medication dispensed at school should be necessary for the student’s optimum health as well as maintain maximum school performance. We encourage parents to administer medication at home before and/or after school whenever possible. Any medication must be brought in by a parent or designated adult and should be picked by before the last day of school. Any unclaimed medications will be safely discarded.
Emergencies and Illness at School
**New this year** The Student Health Information Form will be online with other first day paperwork. It is very important you complete this form by the end of the first week of school. This form will give you an opportunity to list any medical condition, allergies, medications and concerns you may have. It also includes emergency information for the clinic staff. This information is used to contact you or a person you designate if needed for your child. Therefore, parents are asked to complete a Student Health Information Form each year and keep emergency information up-to-date (phone numbers, medications, allergies, name of doctor, etc.).
If a child comes to the clinic with any of the following symptoms, they will be sent home from school:
- Fever of 100 degrees or more–must be fever free for 24hrs. without the use of medicaiton to reduce the fever before returning to school
- Vomiting or diarrhea–must be symptom free for 24hrs. with out the use of medication to prevent symptoms before returning to school
- Severe stomachache, headache or earache
- Suspected contagious condition or disease
- A child who is too ill to function in the classroom
Crutches and Wheelchair
Students who requires the temporary use of crutches or a wheelchair at school must have an order from the physician for the medical device to be used at school.
P.E. Participation
Physical education is an important part of a child’s educational experience and is required by state law. A written excuse by a parent/legal guardian is required in the event a child needs to be excused from PE. If he or she cannot participate for a period of more than 5 days, a physicians note must be presented to the school nurse. A note from the physician releasing the student to return to regular participation will also be required.
Head Lice
Head lice, although not an illness or a disease is very common among children and is spread very easily through head-to-head contact during play, sports, and when students share things like brushes, combs, hats and headphones.
If you use assistive technology and experience difficulty accessing the document below, please contact the school nurse.
Health Screenings
Texas Department of Health requires hearing and vision screening on all 5th grade students and any new students throughout the school year. Scoliosis screening is required for all 6th grade students. If you prefer or if your child has had a spinal screening performed at the doctors office during the current school year, you may send in the results and your child will be omitted from the school screening. This note must be on file before the school screening is performed.